Sunday, March 15, 2015

bottled water scam

Bottled water is a scam: PepsiCo, Coca-Cola and the beverage industry’s greatest con

Multinationals have made billions off the myth that tap water is unhealthy. Here's what they don't want you to know

Bottled water is a scam: PepsiCo, Coca-Cola and the beverage industry's greatest con

This article originally appeared on AlterNet.
The following is the latest in a new series of articles on AlterNet called Fear in America that launched this March. Read the introduction to the series.
The biggest con job perpetrated on the consumer is not some shady operation selling bogus cures through TV infomercials. America’s biggest snake-oil salesman is actually the beverage industry, or Big Bev, which resells the simplest and most vital product for thousands of times its value. That product is drinking water.
Multinationals like PepsiCo, the Coca-Cola Company and Nestle rake in a combined $110 billion a year selling bottled water worldwide. In the U.S. alone, more than half the population drinks bottled water, which accounts for about 30% of liquid refreshment sales, far exceeding the sales of milk and beer (only soft drinks sell more).
But the expensive water the beverage industry sells is no better — and possibly worse — than the water you get from your tap (and often, the water they sell is tap water). So how did these companies fool the public into paying a few bucks for something that costs a few pennies per gallon from a faucet?
Fear. These multinationals have spent millions on marketing to convince consumers that tap water tastes bad, contains high levels of contaminants and poses a danger to human health. Municipal water, they claim, is a scourge, and the only way you get drink healthy water is to buy it through private beverage companies, at up to 2,000 times the cost of getting it from a tap.
And it appears that their tactics are working. With some 92% of tap water meeting state and federal standards, the U.S. has the cleanest and safest public water supply in the world. Yet polls have shown that that a great majority of Americans worry a great deal about the public water supply.
To make matters worse, the supposedly healthy alternative is virtually unregulated. The water from a public utility is constantly monitored under Environmental Protection Agency standards, but bottled water does not have to meet those standards. In fact, independent testing of bottled water has indicated that microbiological impurities and high levels of fluoride and arsenic posed health concerns.

Misplaced Doubts
“Water fountains used to be everywhere, but they have slowly disappeared as public water is increasingly pushed out in favor of private control and profit,” writes Peter Gleick in his book Bottled & Sold. “[They] have become an anachronism, or even a liability, a symbol of the days when homes didn’t have taps and bottled water wasn’t available from every convenience store and corner concession stand. In our health-conscious society, we are afraid that public fountains, and our tap water in general, are sources of contamination and contagion.”
When towns and cities still didn’t have the means to provide all homes access to clean water, sanitary water fountains were a benefit to public health. The irony today is that public water is no longer viewed as a safe option, yet poorly regulated bottled water is.
Nine years ago, the high-end bottled-water brand Fiji began a marketing campaign in which it sniffed, “The label says Fiji because it’s not bottled in Cleveland.”
Clevelanders, angered they were being unfairly insulted because of some issues with their water decades back, took action. The city’s water utility even bought some bottles of Fiji and other top brands like Dasani, Evian and Aquafina and tested them against Cleveland tap water. And guess what? Cleveland’s tap water was the purest of them all. Moreover, Fiji had a 6.31 micrograms of arsenic per bottle. While under the amount of 10 micrograms allowed by the EPA and Food and Drug Administration, it was notably high in comparison.
But Cleveland only tested a few samples of bottled water. Consumers can’t be sure what they’re getting, as the contents can vary from bottle to bottle. That’s because bottled water, which is regulated by the FDA, doesn’t have to meetthe stricter standards the EPA requires. Tap water needs to undergo regular testing for bacteria and microbes such as E. coli, while bottled water doesn’t. Further, the EPA requires water suppliers to use certified labs to test their water, but there’s no such FDA requirement for water bottlers. The bottlers also don’t need to send off reports to regulators about problems they might find with their product. There are no requirements for disinfection or filtration for bottlers that water utilities must meet. Consumers are left at the mercy of a corporation to protect them from their product.
What’s in a Name?
While Fiji water actually comes from the South Pacific Island that bears its name, close to half of the bottled water bought by consumers is nothing more than filtered tap water with fancy names, according to Food & Water Watch. Much of the bottled water Americans drink, including top brands like Aquafina and Dasani, is pretty much the same stuff you get from your own faucet, perhaps run through an additional filter by the bottler.
“These are the numbers the bottled water industry doesn’t want you to see,” says Food & Water Watch executive director Wenonah Hauter. “These figures reveal that more and more bottled water is basically the same product that flows from consumer taps, subsidized by taxpayer dollars—then poured into an environmentally destructive package, and sold for thousands of times its actual value.”
The environmental concerns of bottled water are well documented. Made from fossil fuels, the plastic bottles are often not subject to state bottle-return programs and end up littering the landscape, even invading our waterways and oceans where they break down, leaching petrochemicals back into the water and severely impacting marine life. There are even some questions about the industrial chemicals the bottles are made out of mixing with the water contained inside. Bisphenol A is notably worrisome. It’s an endocrine disruptorthat could lead to reproductive issues, is known to disrupt normal heart muscle function and has been linked to some cancers.
Why are the health issues of bottled water so widely ignored, while at the same time consumers are fed Big Bev’s horror stories about tap water? It’s clear the industry works hard creating a climate of fear regarding tap water in order to maximize its profits. And seeing how we consume bottled water in such great quantities, it’s obvious that the public has bought into this nonsense.
Tap water has a bad reputation, which is not well deserved, making it an easy target for the beverage industry. And while Big Bev has lobbyists, industry organizations and public relations companies to boost its profile, this is not really an option for our nation’s water utilities. There’s nobody to put a correct perspective on unfortunate events such as water main breaks and cryptosporidium and E. coli contamination on the rare occasion that they impact water quality in an area. In the U.S., our water utilities are very safe overall, but we only hear about them when something goes wrong. This has led to mistrust of the utilities and even conspiracy theories about public water.
Fluoridated water, in particular, is widely believed to be proof of some government malevolence. As far back as the Cold War era, anti-fluoride activists claimed that fluoridation was part of a mind-control scheme. Critics of fluoride point to a pile of other health consequences that have never been proven. To date, the only known negative consequence of proper water fluoridation is dental fluorosis, which can create pitting and mottling on children’s teeth, a condition which is mostly cosmetic.
There is a legitimate debate as to whether governments have the legal basis to add chemicals, such as fluoride, to drinking water that do not improve its safety. There’s also a point to be made that people can’t opt out of public fluoridated water. But unfortunately, any valid discussion of the topic is overshadowed by conspiracy theories that further fuel fears of tap water.
But while public water resources must reveal the contents of their water, including fluoridation, you have to do some digging to find out if your bottled water contains it; this information is not on any label. Unsuspecting consumers who thinking they’re avoiding fluoride by drinking bottled water could be getting a good dose of it anyway.
This lack of transparency helps Big Bev in its mission to convince the consumer that its product is superior, and that tap water is dirty and contaminated. Such omissions help the beverage industry create a perceived need for bottled water.
Now that it’s got people genuinely afraid of tap water, Big Bev is trying to take public water sources away from the public. After all, “the biggest enemy is tap water,” according to Robert S. Morrison, the vice chairperson of PepsiCo in 2000.
The industry is working on restaurants, convincing them to sell customers bottled water instead of giving them tap water as they’re seated. Even worse, whole sports stadiums, where beverage companies heavily market their products, are being built without any drinking fountains in order to force thirsty fans to buy bottled water and other beverages at inflated prices.
“When we’re done, tap water will be relegated to showers and washing dishes,” says one beverage executive.

Friday, March 13, 2015


Vegetarians who eat fish could be greatly reducing their risk of colon cancer

Story highlights

  • A new study shows a 43% lower risk of contracting colorectal cancer with a pesco-vegetarian diet
  • Colorectal cancers are the third most diagnosed cancers in the U.S.
  • Plant-based diets may also contribute to greater weight loss and lower blood pressure
(CNN)Dropping red meat, and sticking to a plant-based diet that incorporates fish may be the key to preventing colorectal (colon and rectum) cancers, according to a seven-year study published Monday. Pescetarians, as they are commonly referred, had a 43% lower chance of getting the cancer compared to people with omnivorous diets.
Why focus on colorectal cancer? It is the third most diagnosed cancer, and the third leading cause of cancer-related death in the US in 2014, according to American Cancer Society statistics. The disease is particularly dangerous because it is usually asymptomatic in its early stages, making it more difficult to detect when it's less deadly. Only 59% of those recommended for screenings receive procedures that are in line with the American Cancer Society's standards.
The study, which followed nearly 78,000 people and was published in the Journal of American Medical Association, adds to the growing body of evidence touting the health benefits of a plant-based diet. Another study, reviewing data from 39 separate studies showing that a plant based diet leads to an average drop in blood pressure similar to 30-60 minutes of exercise per day.
Yet another study from last year found an average weight loss of nearly 7.5 pounds for vegetarians.
While evidence shows the health benefits of reducing red meat consumption, the recent study highlights the differences between even a fully vegetarian diet and a pescetarian diet. Within the sample group there was a 27% drop in the risk of contracting colorectal cancer if you switch from fully vegetarian to eating fish. The authors of the study suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may be the key to such a low risk of cancer in the pescetarian group.
Nutritionist Lisa Drayer agrees. "In addition to other dietary factors, fish may provide added protection from its high content omega-3 fatty acids. This is consistent with previous research that has found omega-3s have anti-cancer activity and that they may be helpful in the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer."
    Some questions can be raised though, from observing the recent study's participants Seventh Day Adventists, a group that typically avoids alcohol and tobacco.
    But despite the caveat, Drayer is optimistic. "While the study is observational and cannot prove a cause/effect relationship, it is exciting to think that in addition to regular screenings, a diet rich in fish and fiber-rich foods may play an important role in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer."

    Tuesday, March 3, 2015

    how to get rid of belly fat and have more sex.

    7 Scientific Reasons Why Sleeping Naked Is Really Good For You

    Gigi Engle
    For as long as I can remember, I’ve forgone traditional pajamas for the pajamas the Good Lord gave me — my skin. Much to the horror of my roommates, I sleep completely naked.
    I’ve never found this weird or out of the ordinary. It’s comfortable, easy and I spend less money on stupid clothing only my teddy bear and I see.
    Why would I put on pajamas when I can bask in the glory of nakedness, having only my sheets as the barrier between me and my beloved bed?
    Apparently, I am an outlier. According to a 2012 study, only eight percent of Americans sleep nude.
    It appears the majority of US citizens don’t fly by my “Naked And Free” mantra and prefer to keep their bodies encased in a sausage sleeve of flannel whilst they venture into dream land.
    Bah! Bah, I say!
    For your information, America, sleeping naked is actually really f*cking good for you. It improves your happiness, your quality of sleep and will even get you laid more often.
    What I’ve known for so long, science has finally confirmed. Here are seven perfectly logical, totally scientific reasons why you should sleep in your skivvies:

    You’ll get way better sleep.

    According to The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, your body temperature naturally declines as a part of your Circadian Rhythm as you sleep deeply.
    Wearing pajamas could disrupt this natural drop in temperature and, as a result, disrupt your body’s sleep cycle.
    Disruption in the natural decline of body temperature is also directly linked to insomnia. If you can’t cool down, you’re going to sleep like sh*t.
    By skipping the drawstring PJs, you’re really just helping your overall sleep improve. That’s just science.

    You can air out your lady parts.

    Jennifer Landa, MD, author of The Sex Drive Solution for Women says sleeping naked is healthy for your downstairs lady bits.
    Because your vagina has a climate similar to a tropical rainforest, it can be a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast.
    By ditching underwear and pajamas, you allow your vagina the much needed aeration it requires to stay dry and healthy. And, as we all know, a healthy vagina is a happy one.

    You’ll feel sexier.

    Sleeping naked is plain old sexy. When you’re with your new boyfriend, there’s nothing nicer than waking up in buff, ready and eager for morning sex.
    Waking up without pajamas in the way automatically puts you in a sexy state of mind.
    Since you’ll be starting the first few minutes of your day slipping your naked body alongside your partner’s, you can bet your naked butt, you’ll feel a whole lot more confident.
    It also means you’re comfortable enough with yourself to let it all hang out (figuratively speaking… I think). A more confident you is a more beautiful you — and not just to yourself, but also to others.

    You’ll reduce your belly size.

    If you opt for sleeping in the buff, you could reduce the fat around your belly and even lower your cholesterol.
    According to the Huffington Post, your body cools down at night, increasing your growth hormones while simultaneously decreasing your levels of cortisol, which will result in “healthy sleep patterns.”
    The perfect night’s sleep would be comprised of two cycles: the first has your body recuperating with lower cortisol levels and the second sees your body working to increase these levels in preparation for the next day so that you might have energy when you wake up.
    If your sleep is interrupted (e.g. because of your uncomfortable pajamas), your body will naturally produce more cortisol than usual; the excess, in turn, is known to catalyze your appetite.
    Say goodbye to your diet and hello to that sleeve of cookies!

    Get ready for a lot more sex.

    If you sleep naked, you’re going to have more sex. It’s just logical. According to Dr. Landa:
    Sleeping naked encourages sex and sexier relationships are happier relationships.
    I couldn’t agree more! I mean, think about it, if you’re naked already, don’t you think your chances of getting in a hump session would drastically improve?
    And, naturally, with more sex, you and your partner’s intimacy will only increase — especially when the hormone Oxytocin is introduced into the situation.
    Oxytocin, as the Huffington Post notes, reduces stress levels, lowers your risk of depression and leads to a load of other health benefits that might seem completely unrelated to you and your partner naked spooning. Who knew being naked could “reduce intestinal inflammation”?
    If you have no clothing barriers, what barricade do you even have?

    You won’t have to take a shower in the morning.

    If there’s one thing girls hate to do, it’s shower. And if there’s one thing a human person hates, it’s showering first thing in the morning, as it forces you to wake up a full 20 to 30 minutes earlier.
    But if you don’t wear pajamas, you’ll stay cool throughout the night, drastically increasing the likeliness of a good hair day the following morning.
    If you get too hot in your sleep, you’re going to sweat… and if you sweat, your hair is going to look greasy. And greasy only looks good on food.

    It’s just easier.

    When it comes to #TeamBed, we’re all just trying to get up in those comfy pillows and blankets as quickly as we possibly can.
    Putting on pajamas inherently means more work: You have to take off your clothes, pick out your jammies, and then put them on.
    That might seem like a lazy thing to say, but sometimes the closet (or the kitchen, or the bathroom) is just too far away.
    After #thestruggle of a 9-to-5 workday, I’m not looking to do anything to make me wait for sleep. Nada.